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Principal Investigator



Dr. Amal Al-Malki is a Qatari scholar, educator, public speaker, social commentator and advocate of women’s rights and gender equality. Dr. Amal is the Founding Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Hamad bin Khalifa University in Qatar Foundation. Prior to that, she was the Executive Director of the Translation and Interpreting Institute, for which she was recruited by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Qatar Foundation, to establish in 2011.
Dr. Al-Malki holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of London – SOAS, where she also earned a Master’s degree in English-Arabic Applied Linguistics and Translation. Dr. Al-Malki was the youngest PhD holder upon obtaining her PhD degree in 2003. She joined the faculty in Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q) in 2005 as an Assistant Professor after spending 6 months teaching in the mother campus in Pittsburgh, a challenge that she accepted. Having the chance to be hired in one of the local universities in Qatar, Dr. Al-Malki opted to take the extra mile and to prove her ability to compete on an international level. Dr. Al-Malki became the first Qatari faculty to teach at Education City at large, and the only one in Qatar Foundation for 11 years.
In 2012, Dr. Amal published her book titled Arab Women in Arab News: Old Stereotypes and New Media (Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation and Bloomsbury Academic, UK), which was lauded as the first comprehensive study of the topic in the world. She was promoted to Associate Professor by CMU-Q in 2013, and given a public service leave to run the Translation and Interpreting Institute. She taught in CMU-Q courses in writing composition, postcolonial literature, theories of translation and Islamic feminism. Dr. Al-Malki’s research interests include the negotiation of identity between East and West, media representations of Arab women and postcolonial literature.

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The Future of Digital Citizenship in Qatar : a Socio-Technical Framework


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Research Sponsored by Qatar National Research Fund, NPRP14C-0916-210015