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A web-based observatory of the past, current and trending discussion topics on social media in Qatar and the Arab world (in English and Arabic).

Critical Digital literacy focused on raising awareness about the propaganda techniques used to manipulate people as a powerful way to combat them.

Propose socio-technical solutions to enhance digital well-being using social expectations setting and psychological inoculation theory.

A safety and security approach based on behavior. Researchers look into the hacking and social engineering techniques used successfully in the Arab world and suggests socio-technical approaches to enhance resilience to online manipulators and encourage reporting. The solutions are based on the approaches of behavior rehearsal, simulation, and social norms.

Researchers look into ways to mitigate issues with Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in social media in Qatar and the Arab world and increase awareness of them. The aim is to encourage a more civilized and inclusive language and interaction.

Researchers will produce andragogic and pedagogic material and disseminate it through a volunteering ambassador program within Qatar.

The Future of Digital Citizenship in Qatar : a Socio-Technical Framework


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Research Sponsored by Qatar National Research Fund, NPRP14C-0916-210015